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Listed below is my personal professional services that I can share with others, relating to training and consultancy.


Although I graduated as a chemical engineer, my passion lies into education and I am very much interested in sharing the pedagogical approaches that I have implemented in my class through trainings or consultancy services. The approaches could be implemented not only at the university but also to the school students. If you are interested in any kind of training related to teaching approaches, kindly please do not hesitate to contact me. I had the honour to conduct the following trainings, but not limited to these:


  1. Active Learning Trainer for Teachers at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Iskandar, Seri Iskandar, Perak

  2. Technology Enhanced Active Learning Trainer for INSTEP, Batu Rakit, Terengganu (18-19 September 2018)

  3. Champion of Active Learning Trainer for Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Academic Staff (November 2016 – 2019)

  4. In-house trainer for Cooperative Learning for Educators (October 2017 – 2019)

  5. Technology Enhanced Active Learning Trainer for Academy of Language Studies Academic Staff, UiTM Shah Alam (29-30 December 2016) 

  6. Training of Trainers in Student Centred Learning And Outcome Based Education For Afghanistan Champions’, Center of Engineering Education, Universiti Teknologi MALAYSIA (8 October 2017 and 7-9 April 2018)

  7. 2-day Workshop on 21st Century Learning for Engaging Millennials in Higher Education, Pre-WEEF 2017 Workshop, (10-11 November 2017)

  8. In-house trainer for Reflective Practices in STEM Education

  9. Flipped Cooperative Learning Workshop Training organised by Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM) - August & December 2019

  10. Webinar on Online Learning Related Modules to UNISZA, UiTM Tapah, UTEM, Universiti Malaya (UM), UTM and UTP throughout year of 2020

  11. Flipped-Cooperative Learning Workshop for UNITEN (September 2020)

  12. Webinar on Humanizing Online Learning & Strategies to Prepare HOTS Assessment (February 2021)


As I have been into conducting workshops for several times, being a workshop facilitator is seamless for me. There are many approaches I can use to facilitate the workshop and I am comfortable to lead any strategic workshop by any company and organisation.


Having vast experience both in academic and connecting to the industry, I enjoyed sharing the best tips and advices to others to stimulate their interests and spirit so they can uplift themselves to become better persons. This is another area for which I believe I can help others too. The followings are some of the events which I involved as the motivational speaker, delivering my content on BOOM - Blooming Out of Mediocrity

  1. Motivational Speaker for UKM Chemistry Students 2016

  2. Motivational Speaker for UTP students' club - Topic: GRIT

  3. Motivational Speaker for UTM Electrical and Engineering Students 2016. Topic: BOOM

  4. Motivational Speaker for UNIMAP System Electric students 2016- Topic: BOOM

  5. Motivational Speaker for Sekolah Menengah Sains Tuanku Syed Putra students 2016

  6. Motivational Speaker for UTEM under probation students. Topic: BOOM

  7. Motivational Speaker for UTP Chemical Engineering Bootcamp 1.0 - 5.0



As my research heavily emphasise on biofuel and biochemical development via thermochemical routes, we had studied different catalyst designs and filed for patents too for different type of applications. If any industry personnel are interested to engage us to solve any related issues, especially on the catalyst design and reaction engineering related issues, kindly please do not hesitate to contact me.

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